How To Use Vellum On A PC & Download New Version?
How To Use Vellum On A PC … The Comprehensive Guide To Using The World’s Best Formatting Software Without The Expense Of Buying A Mac!
Vellum For PC When I started self-publishing, my first headache was working out how to format my stories and get them ready for publishing on Kindle, Kobo, Google, Barnes and Noble, and all the other outlets indie authors use.
Because I’m a little bit geeky, I was able to make my books look great by playing around with the HTML code.
But that took me a long time. It was a haphazard way to work … and frankly, I was always looking for something better.
I listen to many podcasts, read many blog posts, and consume a lot of books on writing, and when I started hearing people talk about the Vellum software, I was frustrated to hear that you could only use it on a Mac.
I bought a MacBook Air a couple of years ago and decided we didn’t get on together.
How To Use Vellum On A PC
I struggled with my workflow on a Mac, kept at it for six months or so, and then decided to give it to my wife and return to a regular PC.
When I heard so many self-published authors saying that Vellum was great – dead easy to format books – and that it was a huge timesaver, I was frustrated that the software wasn’t available on my PC.
Macs are expensive and can be a bit frustrating for PC users, and it’s a lot of money to spend to access one piece of software, however suitable it is!
Time and time again, I heard indie authors saying how great Vellum was but that PC users couldn’t access it, and I even heard interviews with the software creators saying that they had no intention of making it available on PCs.
Then one day, I remembered a service I’d used some time ago when I was building software services, and it occurred to me that it might work with the Vellum software.
So I dug through my old emails, reminded myself what it was, logged into my old account, and took Vellum out for a spin.
To my great delight, I discovered that it’s straightforward to use on a regular PC.
All you need to do is to access a service known as MacInCloud – which you can run on your regular PC or laptop – and you’re away – you can use MacInCloud without having to buy an Apple device.
When I discovered how easy this was, I created a blog post on my blog at and shared it on social media, via my podcast, and with all the indie authors I know.
This was such a game changer that I wanted to shout about it from the rooftops so that no self-published author ever had to endure the struggles that most of us must endure formatting our books.
I had a lot of views on that blog post, and I’m delighted to say that many people have shared it in forums, Facebook groups, and on social media.
But now and then, somebody who needs a little more help will get in touch than I can give in that relatively quick demonstration video.
I created a detailed training program called How To Use Vellum On A PC.
The training videos walk you through the entire process from accessing and installing – then setting up MacInCloud – to selecting the best cloud-based service to move files seamlessly and quickly from your virtual Mac environment to your PC.
I also give a walk-through of how to use Vellum in the virtual Mac environment, save the mobi and Epubfiles, then move them over to your regular PC machine so they can be uploaded to Kindle, Kobo, Google, Barnes & Noble, and the rest.
Vellum Download for PC
I put absolutely every step into this training program so that nobody needs to rush off to buy a Mac and everybody – including all PC users with a reasonably up-to-date system – can access this fabulous software without disrupting their author business.
Vellum is quite simply the best formatting software I’ve come across as a self-published author, and believe me, I have tried them all, from the free tools to the paid options; nothing is as easy, classy, or as speedy as Vellum.
By the way, I should say that this training is not sponsored by – or endorsed by – the software creators or by MacInCloud … neither does it involve cheats or hacks.
I use a fully licensed software version – it’s a good tool. Why wouldn’t I want to pay the creators to use it? It saves hours of my time!
Even better, Vellum now has a software option for paperback books!
I believe that this is a complete game-changer for the self-publishing industry.
In the past, I’ve formatted my paperback books, and it’s a job that I hate.
I’ve also paid to have my paperback books formatted, and that’s a much better option, but it’s expensive, and I’m paying up to a hundred dollars per book.
It took me five minutes of trying Vellum on PC to decide that I would buy the software outright because I was instantly convinced of its time-saving benefits and the quality of the e-books that allowed me to put out.
And now, with the paperback version, there is little choice for independent authors; it’s got to be Vellum every time.
Vellum software for PC or laptop
The good news is that if you own a PC or laptop that runs on Windows, you no longer have to be left out in the cold.
You can access the Vellum software to format your books as Mobi or EPUB files – and now in paperback format – without having to get involved in buying a brand-new Mac with all the associated expense that goes with that.
Please help yourself to my free walk-through video, and I hope you will find enough information there to enable you to start using Vellum on your PC.
But if you need that little extra bit of help, the video training program is there with all the step-by-step technical demonstrations you will need to use this fantastic piece of game-changing software within the next hour.
I’ve kept the price low so that nobody has to be excluded from this deal – all PC users can now get stuck and see what they’ve been missing!
So get started straight away .. check my walk-through video for free, then try out Vellum for yourself.
By the way, if you haven’t used Vellum before, it comes ready and installed in MacInCloud so that you can take it out for a spin before parting with any cash.
It’s only when you need to format the book and produce the EPUB or Mobi files that you have to pay that you get an excellent chance to take this out for a proper spin before you’re committed to spending money.
As the self-published author of several books, I urge you to give Vellum a try… I have put most of the formatting software products through their paces, and this is the one that I settled on within minutes of using it. It’s that good.
Before long, you’ll see no looking back when you use this software, and you will soon be joining all those Mac users in enthusing about Vellum.
You will soon wonder how you managed to format your books without them.
So save time, frustration, and energy by using the fantastic Vellum software on your existing PC without upgrading to an expensive new kit or completely disrupting your author workflow.
This is how I format my books. This is not a theory. This is what I do every time I publish a brand-new book.
Enter the incredible world of Vellum today and experience the effortless book formatting that was previously only available to users of Macs.
Author’s Opinion regarding the Vellum For PC
The Vellum For PC has powerful features while considering the security purpose; priority is very high. No VPN or RDP is required for the said purpose. In some cases, the emulator also works fine, and middleware software also has an essential role in smooth functioning. Therefore, the author recommended the Vellum For PC for your personal use and has no issue regarding the installation on PC (Windows and Mac). I hope you also use it without any trouble. If you have any issues, please mention them in the email, and we will provide you with the proper solutions. Please like and share with others; we made a lot of effort while collecting the software for your download.