Best Sensitivity For Fortnite PC Updated Version
Best Fortnite settings for PC and Console Free Download 2023
Best Sensitivity For Fortnite PC When it comes to the best Fortnite settings, it’s all about the FPS (frames-per-second). A moving picture on your screen is made up of lots of static images that change from one to another very quickly, and the more of these frames that are displayed in a second, the smoother your Fortnite game will be.
In terms of competitive advantage, this lets you see and react to things more quickly without juddering on-screen. When more frames are displayed, there’s less of a delay between when you press a button or key and its action happening, which means there’s less chance of missing small details that end up getting you eliminated.
These might be marginal gains but can make the difference between a Victory Royale and 2nd place.
Reports have also been that a higher FPS can lead to your guns firing faster. The extent that this helps you out is unconfirmed, or if it’s been “fixed” – however, this is another reason to try and keep your FPS as high as possible.
Fortnite Best Settings Competitive guide: Best Keybindings, Best Sensitivity
Despite its cartoony graphics, competitive Fortnite is about as hardcore as a twitch-shooter.
Not only do the best Fortnite players need lightning reflexes to track targets, but effective building needs practice, incredible speed of thought, and top-notch mechanical skills.
To give you an edge, here are our recommendations for the best Fortnite settings, including the best keybindings and best sensitivity to use in battle.
Custom settings aren’t going to turn you into a pro without any effort, and they’ll take some getting used to, but changing the game to more closely fit your skills and what feels right for you will go some way to helping you feel comfortable enough to perform at your best.
Similarly, matching a Pro player’s settings might not work best for you either, since they might prefer higher or lower sensitivity, have bigger or smaller hands to reach different keybindings, or for any other reason – so experiment for the best results.
Fortnite: Best Settings (PC, PS4, and Xbox)
To beat the competition in Fortnite, you’ll need plenty of tactical insight and sharply-honed survival instincts. It’s just as essential to tweak your game with the best settings. This is especially true if you usually avoid the options menu and stick to the defaults.
How to change settings in Fortnite
Before we start, here’s how you access the settings on the PC and console editions.
- PC: Hit the little three-bar icon at the top of the main game screen, then the cog wheel.
- PS4 / Xbone: Press the options/menu button from the Lobby, then the cog wheel icon.
Best PS4 and Xbox One Settings
This process isn’t as complex as the PC tweaks below and works oppositely.
You’ll be using joysticks to maneuver your character and aim. Sometimes the default sensitivity settings can make these actions a little too cumbersome—time to spice them up.
- Controller X and Y Axis: Set these to between 0.75 – 0.90 if you want to turn faster in response to enemy gunfire.
- Gamepad ADS Sensitivity: This governs the sensitivity when aiming down sights. For optimal accuracy, you’ll want this lower and sitting roughly between 0.50 – 0.70.
- Gamepad Scope Sensitivity: This is for sniper aiming. Set this a little higher than the average. Roughly between 0.75 – 0.90, depending on whether you want to quickly snap to enemies or go for a more measured shot.
Competitive PC Settings
Video settings
Here are what settings you’ll need to fiddle around with to get the best performance out of your PC installation of Fortnite
- Click the menu in the top right corner, select the cog and choose video settings.
- Window Mode: Fullscreen.
- Display Resolution: Your monitor’s native resolution. If you’re unsure, check your monitor’s resolution online.
- Frame Rate Limit: Unlimited.
- 3D Resolution: Set this to your monitor’s native resolution.
- View Distance: Medium is fine.
- Shadows: Turn off altogether for best performance.
- Anti-Aliasing: Medium gives the best balance of quality and performance.
- Textures: If you’re struggling with FPS, set this down. Otherwise, Medium or above is fine, and it’ll make the game look a little nicer.
- Effects: Low. This will stabilize your FPS.
- Post Processing: Low.
- Vsync: Off unless you’re experiencing significant screen tearing.
- Motion Blur: Off, as it can hinder visibility.
- Show Grass: Off, so you can spot enemies more easily.
- Show FPS: Helpful for tweaking settings and testing performance.
Stretched settings
Some of the best Fortnite players lower their screen resolution, so it stretches across the screen. It doesn’t look as nice, but the extra zoom provides some advantages and disadvantages:
- Everything seems closer. This makes enemies easier to spot and gives them a larger hitbox too.
- You boost FPS, too, as you’re playing at a lower resolution.
- Field-of-view (FOV) is dramatically reduced. You’ll need to be more aware of your surroundings to survive!
Complete the following steps to play Fortnite in “stretched mode”:
- Enable Fullscreen.
- Lower your resolution.
- Experiment with different resolutions until you find a balance that works for you.
General PC Settings
Not only is it essential to get your in-game settings right, but your PC is also in top shape.
This means ensuring your Graphics Card’s (GPU) drivers are entirely up to date. Make sure your version of Windows is regularly updated as well. Go and check if there are any updates you’re missing.
If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can take some extra steps to help boost performance in Fortnite.
- Open NVIDIA Control Panel and navigate to Manage 3D Settings.
- Click on the Program Settings tab and find Fortnite. If you can’t find it, click on Add and scroll down until you find it.
- Set Maximum pre-rendered frames to 1.
- Set Monitor Technology to G-SYNC (if you have a G-SYNC compatible monitor).
- Set Multi-Display/Mixed GPU Acceleration to Single display performance mode.
- Set Power Management Mode to Prefer maximum performance.
- Turn Vertical Sync off.
- Enable Threaded Optimisation.
- Set Preferred Refresh Rate to Highest Available.
Mouse Sensitivity Settings
Getting your mouse sensitivity right is vital to reaching the victory screen.
Though many tips for tweaking your mouse settings are subjective, what works for us might not work well for you. Experiment until you find your sweet spot.
Getting Started
If you’ve got a mouse with DPI settings, tune it to 800 or 400-450.
We found the lower you go, the more control you’ll have. It’s something you’ll get used to over time and with practice.
Otherwise, don’t worry about all this if you’re using a bog standard mouse. Instead, focus on the next step below.
Next, type ‘mouse settings’ in your computer’s search bar and click on the first result. Select ‘additional mouse options’ in the top right, and it’ll take you to another screen.
Click the ‘pointer options’ tab and uncheck the ‘enhance pointer precision’ box. This ensures Windows isn’t skewing your aim with unnecessary background nonsense.
You’ll find a host of the mouse, controller, and gamepad sensitivity bars to toy around with in the settings menu. For PC, we’re focused on all the mouse-related stuff, of course.
- Mouse Sensitivity – Governs your turn and aim speed when you aren’t scoped in. This is set far too high by default, so put it down to between 0.03 – 0.5. This might seem very low, but it works a treat.
- Mouse ADS Sensitivity – This is your sensitivity when aiming down sights. We have this around the 0.40 – 0.50 mark, as it provides a decent amount of control during firefights. Any higher, your mouse will start flitting around the screen during heated battles.
- Mouse Scope Sensitivity – When zoomed in with a sniper or scoped rifle, your sensitivity. We like this a little higher than ADS, as you may be swiping across the screen more when focusing on a distant target.
A final tip. If you swipe your mouse across your mouse pad and your character completes a 360-degree turn, this is an excellent sign that you’re on the right track.
Best Fortnite settings for PC and Console
Best PC Fortnite settings
When it comes to the best Fortnite settings on PC, it’s all about the FPS (frames-per-second). A moving picture on your screen is made up of lots of static images that change from one to another very quickly, and the more of these frames that are displayed in a second, the smoother your Fortnite game will be.
In terms of competitive advantage, this lets you see and react to things more quickly without juddering on-screen. When more frames are displayed, there’s less of a delay between when you press a button or key and its action happening, which means there’s less chance of missing small details that end up getting you eliminated.
These might be marginal gains but can make the difference between a Victory Royale and 2nd place.
Reports have also been that a higher FPS can lead to your guns firing faster. The extent that this helps you out is unconfirmed, or if it’s been “fixed” – however, this is another reason to try and keep your FPS as high as possible.
How to get the best Fortnite FPS settings
To maximize your FPS on lower-spec PCs, try heading to the Options menu, represented by three bars in the top right of the screen in the Lobby.
Then go into Video settings. From here, increase your Frame Rate Limit while reducing the graphical effects to low – this means your PC will have an easier time running Fortnite, and it’ll be able to get to a higher FPS.
Remember to turn “Vsync” off as well since this can limit your FPS.
You’ll want to keep your view distance on Epic, though, since it’s vital that you can see as far away as possible. Otherwise, you’d be able to be surprised by stuff that’s far off in the distance, and you always want to be prepared.
For an idea of the best Fortnite video settings, try the list in the screenshot below:
- Window Mode: Fullscreen
- Display Resolution: 1920×1080
- Frame Rate Limit: Unlimited
- 3D Resolution: 1920×1080
- View Distance: Epic
- Shadows: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: Off
- Textures: Low
- Effects: Low
- Post Processing: Low
- Vsync: Off
- Motion Blur: Off
- Show FPS: Optional (it will give you a better idea of where you’re at, but isn’t necessary)
Best Fortnite Keybindings
Fortnite Console Keybindings
On the Console, getting the best Fortnite keybindings is quite simple. Go into the menu by pressing the Options button and scroll to the wireless controller menu.
You must ensure that your configuration is set to “Builder Pro.” This makes it so that when you press Toggle Build Mode, you use the shoulder buttons and triggers to build which piece you want, rather than having to cycle through a menu.
This is much faster than building the usual way and lets you quickly build structures with lots of different types of pieces.
Once you’ve changed this in the settings and hit “Apply,” go over to the “Game” settings menu and scroll down until you see “Builder Pro: Build Immediately.” Set this to on and hit Apply.
This setting makes it, so you only have to press the shoulder buttons or triggers once to build a piece of a structure.
Changing to this control scheme gives you a massive competitive advantage over players that haven’t since you can build more complicated structures more quickly and easily. You may also like this Du Screen Recorder For PC
If you’re trying to become a building master, try lowering the “Controller Edit Hold Time” setting too. This makes it so your edits register more quickly, so you can get out of bases more easily.
Tap to interact
Another keybinding tip for Fortnite on the Console is to turn on “Tap to Search / Interact.” With that on, you don’t have to hold the button to search for things like chests and ammo boxes.
Fortnite PC Key Bindings
On PC, the best Fortnite keybindings are slightly down to personal preference.
Every pro player has their own set of custom keybindings, and you’ll want to develop your own one too.
To change your keybindings, go into the Options menu from the Lobby, and click the little keyboard in the menu tray at the top of the screen.
Our tip would be to place the functions you use closest to where your fingers are most of the time on the keyboard. For example, you’re going to be holding down W, A, S, and D for most of the game in Fortnite, so if you want to be able to build a wall quickly, why not bind it to the F key, or the E, Q, or R key.
This is a much faster movement for your index finger to make in the heat of battle and will help you quickly put a barrier between you and an enemy if you’re surprised.
Another function we’d suggest creating a custom keybind for is the slot where you tend to store your primary weapon – whether that’s slot 1 or slot 3, or any other.
So that you can swap efficiently between building and your primary weapons without reaching up and hitting a number key, how about binding your weapon slots to the Z key, X key, or G or C keys?
That way, if you’ve moved your building keys to be around the F, E, R, and Q keys, then the Z, X, G, and C are all free and all close to where your fingers already are. The Z and X are probably the best keybindings because you can press them with your ring finger while your index finger presses your build keys.
Best Fortnite Sensitivity
Aiming sensitivity is weird in Fortnite because you want to do completely different things based on whether you’re on a PC or Console. On a PC, a mouse is so precise that you need to lower things down to get the best results, whereas, on the Console, you need extra speed.
Best Sensitivity for Fortnite on PC
Most pro-Fortnite players tend to play on PC with a mouse and keyboard, and they usually lower their sensitivity in the settings to between 0.08 and 0.11.
Where on that scale you choose will depend on the DPI of your mouse. You can go lower on the sensitivity of your DPI is higher – around 800. If you’re rocking 400-500 DPI, then 0.1 or above is where you want to be.
If you have both too low of a DPI and sensitivity, then you won’t be able to move fast enough to shotgun someone rushing you, so be careful not to go too far.
As for Targeting Sensitivity, these tend to range from 0.55 to 0.8, again depending on DPI.
Then for Scope Sensitivity, top players can range from as low as 0.4 to 0.8, with players on higher DPIs being closer to 0.4.
With any changes in sensitivity, it’s important to be gradual. It’s going to take time to relearn how such a fundamental change impacts your gameplay, so if you jump right in at the deep end, it will be very tough. But be patient, and it’s worth it.
Best Fortnite Sensitivity on Console
On consoles, because of the imprecision and Aim Assist of a controller, you want to do the exact opposite as on PC and turn your sensitivity up for high-level play.
Players can range their Wireless Controller Sensitivity anywhere from 0.6 to 1.00.
The Targeting and Scope Sensitivity is usually lower, ranging from 0.5 to 0.65.
The Wireless Controller Building Sensitivity ranges go back from about 1.1 to 1.3.
It’s doubly essential on consoles that you increase your sensitivity gradually – seriously – or you’re not going to be able to hit anything.
Now that you’ve set up your custom keybindings and sensitivity, why not test them on some Weekly Challenges? We’ve got guides for every week, so check them out.
Author’s Opinion regarding the Best Sensitivity For Fortnite PC
The Best Sensitivity For Fortnite PC has powerful features while considering the security purpose; priority is very high. No VPN or RDP is required for the said purpose. In some cases, the emulator also works fine, and middleware software also has an essential role in smooth functioning. Therefore, the author recommended the Best Sensitivity For Fortnite PC for your personal use and has no issue regarding the installation on PC (Windows and Mac). I hope you also use it without any trouble; if you have any issues, please mention them in the email, and we will provide you with proper solutions. Please like and share with others; we made a lot of effort while collecting the software for your download.